My work

The work of us MEPs is divided into work in the European Parliament and work at home; I like to call this work ‘work on the field’ among people.

The work in the European Parliament takes place within the work of Committees (where we discuss legislative proposals submitted to us by the European Commission). Sometimes the work is also divided into subcommittees and interest groups dealing with specific issues, discussions in a political group, discussion in the form of trialogues, debate and vote in Plenary. At the same time, I can put forward three questions to the Commission and the Council of Ministers per month.

In addition to committee and political group meetings, we have many other meetings and events. I am also a member of Delegations for relations with third countries, which means that sometimes we travel outside the EU to attend meetings.


Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Delegation for relations with Palestine


Committee on Public Health

Delegation for relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, including the EU-Bosnia and Herzegovina Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee and the EU-Kosovo Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee

Delegation to the OACPS-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly

Delegation to the Africa-EU Parliamentary Assembly