On Thursday, 26 October 2023, MEP Joveva wrote to Věra Jourová, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Values and Transparency, Thierry Breton, Commissioner for the Internal Market, and Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, making a public call for a revision of the European Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) in order to complement or extend the obligation of video-sharing platforms operating in EU Member States to provide their content with subtitles or dubbing in all official languages of the European Union.

The existing AVMSD currently enforces the principle of non-discrimination in commercial communications and includes provisions for ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities. However, Joveva believes that the principle of non-discrimination (on the grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, nationality, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation) should extend to all audiovisual content and that the prohibition of linguistic discrimination should be explicitly stated, while the accessibility requirements – to be met through subtitling or dubbing – should apply to the entire general population, i.e. to all speakers of all official languages of the European Union.

Foreign video-streaming providers such as Netflix or Disney+ are currently not obliged to comply with national laws due to the EU’s “country of origin” principle. This means they are registered in one Member State alone (e.g. Netflix in the Netherlands) to provide services across the European market and are therefore only subject to that country’s regulations. This allows them to avoid the legislation applicable in other Member States.

In order to tackle this issue, two new articles that focus on the coordination of national regulators have been incorporated into the European Media Freedom Act. However, to ensure successful implementation and fully address the problem, the AVMSD must also be supplemented.

After sending the letter, Joveva said:

I have already directly requested video-streaming providers and their managements to respect all EU languages by translating, subtitling or dubbing (for children’s content) their content into Slovenian. Their excuses and delays have led me to take action with the persons responsible at the European Commission, as it is more than obvious that it is time to regulate the matter through EU legislation. Until language discrimination is officially banned in the EU market (including the digital market), companies will be inclined to move too slowly or not at all. Moreover, it is important to remember that Slovenian is not the only language that is discriminated against in this manner, and the platforms concerned avoid complying with national provisions, such as the Public Use of the Slovenian Language Act, which is currently being amended by the National Assembly. The European Union is committed to strengthening, promoting and maintaining linguistic diversity, and any discrimination on the basis of language is prohibited by fundamental treaties, such as the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. I insist that private companies conducting business in the EU internal market and providing services throughout the EU should comply with this, and it is the EU’s duty to explicitly state this in its legislation. Respect for linguistic diversity is a bare minimum that should be self-evident. In practice, however, large US corporations in particular discriminate against less-spoken languages, which – incidentally – I also see in other areas, such as with content moderation rules on online platforms. At a time when the internet plays an increasingly important role in our daily lives, we must all work together to ensure that all EU languages are treated equally, as this is essential for their survival and continued existence, including for Slovenian. The legislative process in the European Union is usually lengthy, but this does not mean that we should sit idly by and wait forever for multinationals to move, which they will not do without concrete, especially legislative pressure. I am convinced, including on the basis of the informal talks we have had so far, that we will be able to regulate these matters at EU level in the foreseeable future.”

For your perusal, please find attached the original letter in English (Letter to European Commissioners) and Slovenian (Evropska komisija revizija AVSMD).


Do you like statistics?

To be honest, I thought it was a pointless addition to the curriculum during my schooling.’ The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia might even be able to provide data confirming that I was not the only pupil or student with such an opinion.

But later in life, I came to understand more and more why statistics is so important. It is most often associated with telephone surveys that many people find annoying, but its crucial aspect is often ignored: the significance of high-quality data in maintaining a functional democracy.

Indeed. High-quality statistics are the basis for good legislation and the necessary measures to improve the situation, based on independent data covering all aspects and all people. I truly believe this and therefore I am delighted to announce that …

… I have been appointed lead rapporteur for the European legislation on population and housing statistics, and I will be handling it on behalf of the entire European Parliament!’

– Irena

Photo: EP/Alain Rolland



On Wednesday, 18 October 2023, MEP Irena Joveva addressed the European Parliament during the Strasbourg plenary on how disinformation in times of conflict can be countered with the Digital Services Act. She started her speech by saying that any war takes a devastating toll on innocent people and the truth.

She went on to say that we are all aware of the validity of this statement, especially these days when videos, photos and comments are posted and shared across the internet at an unprecedented speed:

“But do we all, as a society, really appreciate how much manipulation is taking place there? Lies? Deliberate – serving the interests of certain people, some government, geopolitics, some aggressor, terrorists, or occupier? Disinformation, manipulation and fake news intensify divisions and fuel hatred. Towards the ‘other’.”

She expressed her approval of the Digital Services Act, but also stressed the need for proper implementation. The limits have been clearly defined, the positive benefits of the web must be preserved, harmful content must be limited and illegal content must be removed, she added.

It is imperative that the European Union take measures to guarantee that social media companies are fully compliant with the law, she stated.

“People need to know all the pitfalls of the web, but ultimately it’s always up to them who they believe. Yet … it is the truth that requires defenders. Especially in times like these.”

You can watch the full address here.


In early October 2023, Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, wrote to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and X (ex-Twitter) CEO Elon Musk cautioning them that failure to remove illegal terrorist and hate speech content from their platforms could result in a violation of the new EU digital services regulation. The European Commission has detected a rise in illegal content and disinformation spreading in the EU related to the conflict in Israel, as well as manipulated content, so-called deepfakes, ahead of the recent elections in Slovakia.

Under the EU’s newly adopted Digital Services Act, tech giants such as Google, Meta, X and Amazon are responsible for monitoring and removing illegal content, such as terrorist content or illegal hate speech, posted on their platforms. Failure to comply with European rules on removing illegal content can result in fines of up to six per cent of a company’s annual revenue.

Photo: EP – Genevieve ENGEL

On Monday, 9 October 2023, MEP Irena Joveva spoke at the Internet Governance Forum in Kyoto, Japan, in a debate on countering disinformation. She explained what the EU is doing in this area, but also stressed that even the most stringent legislation will not be enough to stamp out disinformation or fake news completely: “Disinformation can only be done away with by a reader who knows how to distinguish it from the truth”, she said unequivocally.

Joveva began by comparing her former position of a journalist with that of an MEP from the point of view of disinformation or fake news:

“The difference is that as a journalist I never felt affected. Now – as a politician – I do, but against my will.”

What she wanted to say, she explained, is that as a journalist she never even thought of manipulating facts, let alone writing a lie. As a politician, however, she is an obvious target of various campaigns to spread disinformation propaganda, which “are of course launched by a specific spectre of politics and its supporters”, but are never based on her work or the content she publishes, but on her appearance, gender, origin, etc.

She went on to talk about the work of the European Union in the area of countering disinformation, stressing that it is doing as much as it can within the limits of its competences. She mentioned the recently adopted position of the European Parliament on the European Media Freedom Act, where she was actively involved as a negotiator on the Parliament’s side. She also contributed to the drafting of the Digital Services Act:

“This Act obliges the industry to step up its efforts in the fight against illegal content online. It requires large online platforms and search engines to take measures to protect their users from harmful and illegal content, goods and services.”

Joveva asserted that everyone has to take responsibility in this area: politicians and multinationals, but especially the Member States, which have to enforce the legislation in practice.

She also highlighted the rapid alert system set up in the EU in response to the “infodemic” that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. The system, she said, is based on open information and draws on insights from academia, online platforms and international partners. It has also proved effective in the case of the Russian aggressor and the war in Ukraine, when rapid response to all forms of disinformation has also been important and necessary.

“Disinformation can be highly damaging if it is targeted, which it usually is. It leads to an increase in mistrust, division among populations, and threatens  democracies.”

In the same breath, Joveva stressed the need for information campaigns and greater focus on media literacy in schools, as its importance is still generally underestimated. In her view, the way to truly win the fight against disinformation is not through tough legislation, but through knowledge and understanding of the content we are receiving.

She concluded the debate by saying that the EU is doing a lot of work, but that there is still much to be done, especially at the global level. In the end, it all comes down to clear communication based on verified information and to good cooperation between policy makers, stakeholders, the public and local organisations who search for solutions to protect our citizens and democracies in order to build a safer and better (online) world for all.


From 8 to 12 October 2023, the 18th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum is being hosted by the Japanese government in Kyoto. The Forum’s central theme is The Internet We Want – Empowering All People. The Forum will address eight themes: artificial intelligence and emerging technology; avoiding internet fragmentation; cybersecurity, cybercrime and online safety; data governance and trust; digital divides and inclusion; global digital governance and cooperation; human rights and freedoms; and sustainability and environment. MEP Irena Joveva participated in the session Counteracting disinformation to make the digital space trustworthy again, alongside Agustina Ordoñez, Member of the Argentinian National Congress, Sunil Abraham, Public Policy Director for Data Economy and Emerging Technologies at Meta India, Craig Jones, Director of the Cybercrime Directorate at INTERPOL, and Jennifer Bramlette, Coordinator for Information and Communication Technology at the United Nations Security Council.



Here we go.

Letters. Appeals. Requests. Meetings. Explanations. Invitations. Coordination. Demands.

Preparations. Amendments. Changes to the law. Process. Procedure.




We are not giving up.

If we don’t defend our language, who will? But together.

Why don’t we tell this to those who discriminate against it? But together?

I have launched a very special website. With a very special purpose. And name.

Saying that Slovenia is a “small country” is just an excuse. Saying that it is “not worth it” for multinationals to offer their services in the language of the market (whichever it be) in which they are present is also an excuse. Nor do we agree that they are not explicitly obligated to do so by legislation. This concerns the basic respect for both the European Union’s motto of “united in diversity” and for one of its fundamental values: equality. In this case, linguistic equality.

Everyone should have the right to be able to use content in their mother tongue (at least) in their own country. Both in the physical and digital world. And this should apply regardless of the prevalence of a particular language or the size – or tininess, if you prefer – of a particular market.

Let us not stop here. We need binding solutions. At the European level, some of the amendments have recently been incorporated into the Digital Services Act, while others, even more crucial, are foreseen by the Media Freedom Act. I was actively involved in the drafting of both of these acts as one of the Parliament’s negotiators.

Meanwhile, at the national level, the authorities are working on amendments to the Public Use of the Slovenian Language Act, and I will turn my attention to the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. It will clearly be necessary to include in the text and among the requirements an explicit reference to the prohibition of linguistic discrimination, next to all its other forms.

The European Commission, whose task it is to undertake changes or revisions, is already aware of my plans. I am in the process of working on concrete proposals. Unfortunately, this cannot be done overnight. Procedures at the European level are lengthy.

But … we’re not giving up. It’s important that you don’t either. Your voice should be heard as well. Your direct support for the Slovenian language, with clear messages for the multinationals concerned, will add value to all efforts and, above all, add to the pressure.

All the relevant information can be found at www.poslovensko.si

On Wednesday, 4 October 2023, during the plenary session in Strasbourg, MEP Irena Joveva contributed to the debate on decent housing for all. She pointed out that millions of young people in employment cannot afford their own apartment.  “That’s working young people,” she underscored, adding that a home should be a basic right for a decent life for all of us.

“There are 700,000 homeless women and men on Europe’s streets,” said the MEP in her introduction. Although we have set ourselves the goal at the EU level to eradicate this problem by 2030, it is only getting worse, as homelessness rates continue to surge.

In addition, she said, millions of young people in employment cannot even afford to live in their own homes. “Working young people,” she emphasised. And moreover, the situation has deteriorated markedly in recent years due to the health, economic and energy crises.

“The sad truth is that 34 million Europeans are unable to afford proper heating, and this is a fact.”

Action is urgent, she continued, because current progress in addressing housing issues is too slow. Joveva believes that targeted action by Member States, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable, will be key.

“A home should be a basic right for a decent life of all of us, regardless of social and economic status,” she concluded.

You can watch her plenary address here.


In January 2021, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on access to decent and affordable housing for everyone in Europe. It called on the Commission and the Member States to make housing one of the cornerstones of the Action Plan of the European Pillar of Social Rights and to improve their action to engage all levels of government in fully and consistently implementing the right to decent housing for all. It welcomed the inclusion of housing affordability in the European Semester. The Parliament stressed that the investment gap for affordable housing amounts to EUR 57 billion per year and called on the Commission and the Member States to further increase investment in social, public, energy-efficient, adequate and affordable housing in the EU.

Photo: EP – Christian Creutz


Finally! We’ve got it!

The text of the European Media Freedom Act “is a wrap” in the European Parliament. What is in it?

– It prohibits all forms – political, ownership and business – of interference in editorial decisions.

– It safeguards journalists from being coerced into exposing sources, being spied on, etc.

– It ensures public disclosure of information on the ownership and state funding of a media outlet. The same applies to online platforms.

– Any acquisitions of media companies will be preceded by an assessment of the impact on editorial independence.

– It sets up an independent European Board for Media Services, which will in essence monitor the state of the media in the Member States.

– The Board will be complemented with the creation of an independent expert group representing the media sector and civil society.

With this Act, we are essentially establishing fundamental principles, a legal basis. A European acquis that will protect journalists and media outlets. It will guarantee media pluralism and independence.

The state of media freedom varies significantly across the European Union, yet no Member State is immune to pressure and attempts to undermine it. The public media, a pillar of credible information for the people, are in many places – though fortunately no longer in Slovenia – at the very least subject to subjugation attempts. And I am not merely referring to Hungary and Poland. Or to Slovenia under the previous government. Unfortunately.

Greece. The Prime Minister’s Office was exposed spying on journalists.

Austria. The former Chancellor resigned after an investigation was launched into suspicions that his team funnelled money to the media. For favourable coverage.

France. The owner of a (once) prominent newspaper turned billionaire, known for promoting far-right ideology through the media. He handpicked the editor. I assume there is no need to elaborate on the resulting new “standards” of reporting.

It’s up to you to decide who you trust and who you don’t. Which media you will or will not follow. The Act does not interfere with that. But it is, of course, right that you get transparent, credible, professional information. Without lies and conspiracies. Just as it would be right for a faction of politics to refrain from every attempt to seek control over the media or manipulate people.

But rather than changing course, this same faction – and their die-hard supporters – maintain their tactics of propaganda, intrigue, artificial divisions, vested interests. Continue to mislead.

Incidentally, they are doing the same with my plenary address (see link below). I wouldn’t mind substantive comments on it, but there are none. Because it is easier to criticise my background, gender, while at the same time fabricating additional “facts”. Also about RTV Slovenija, by the way.

This is their classic strategy, and I couldn’t care less. What I do care about is what will happen to the European Media Freedom Act in the end. The final step awaits: negotiations with the European Commission and the Member States. I believe in success and in good compromises, because no one has to fear this legislation … except those who seek to undermine media freedom.

– Irena



On Tuesday, 3 October 2023, during the Strasbourg plenary session, MEP Irena Joveva discussed the European Media Freedom Act. She stressed that the risk of undermining media freedom exists across the European Union and that no country is immune. “The public media, a pillar of credible information for the people, are in many places – though fortunately no longer in Slovenia – at the very least subject to subjugation attempts.”

The MEP began her speech by noting that in the European Union’s endeavours to defend the rule of law, the media have always been somewhat neglected, even though their independence is a prerequisite for the functioning of our democracy.

“In some Member States media systems are functioning well, but, unfortunately, in many countries they are completely subjugated. In those cases, they have become the primary tool for manipulating people in order for certain political structures to maintain power. Hungary, Poland…”

She proceeded to mention the potential threat to media freedom throughout the European Union, which she corroborated with proven cases of spying, even murders of journalists on European soil, and non-transparent takeovers of media companies for vested interests. “The public media, a pillar of credible information for the people, are in many places – though fortunately no longer in Slovenia – at the very least subject to subjugation attempts.”

The MEP believes it was high time to adopt additional legal safeguards at the European level. The Parliament has put in place the necessary legal framework to ensure protection, which is the most it can do as legislator.

“There is no magic wand to solve all the issues that have accumulated,” warned Joveva, who is convinced that the European Media Freedom Act is currently the most decisive step towards ensuring just that: media freedom. “No one should be afraid of it… except those who aim to undermine it,” she concluded.

Today, MEPs also voted on the Act. It was adopted by 448 votes to 102, with 75 abstentions. Joveva was one of the rapporteurs drafting the parliamentary text on behalf of her political group Renew Europe in the responsible Committee on Culture and Education.

You can watch her plenary address here.

Photo: EP – Mathieu Cugnot

On Friday, 29 September 2023, MEP Irena Joveva headed out for a visit to Murska Sobota, where she met with secondary school students from the Murska Sobota Gymnasium and representatives of civil society. The visit instilled in the MEP a great deal of hope for the future, as she is convinced that inclusion, intergenerational coexistence and cooperation, which are fostered in the municipality, create the conditions for achieving common successes.

The MEP began her visit at the Murska Sobota Gymnasium, where she held a relaxed conversation with young people about her reasons for entering politics, her dynamic schedule, and her work and priorities. She also gave an overview of the committees on which she serves.

Discussion at the Murska Sobota Gymnasium

The participants wished to know what benefits Slovenia has gained from its membership in the European Union, and Joveva explained that there are many – not least for young people, in the form exchanges and international engagement, for example. They also talked about climate change and measures adopted at the EU level in order to tackle it. The MEP explained: “Fit for 55 is a key package aimed at reducing greenhouse gases by 55% and turning Europe into the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050.” She added that as part of this package, various legislative measures have been taken, ranging from energy renovation of buildings and ban on the production of internal combustion cars to emissions trading and, most recently, the Nature Restoration Act that was adopted in July.

Meeting with the mayor

The use of Slovenian in the digital world and the reactions to the letters sent  by the MEP to representatives of Amazon, Apple and Netflix were also brought up during the discussion. Joveva revealed that she knows for a fact that Apple’s Siri is learning Slovenian, yet she is unable to provide a timeline as it is not up to her. She explained to the young people that for the time being, Apple is the only company that has undertaken to design its operating system to include a greater number of languages, including Slovenian, independently of the requirements of the (existing) legislation. Other providers will apparently have be forced to do so through legislation that is also being drafted at the European level.

The visit was followed by a meeting with Mayor Damjan Anželj, who presented the vision and current projects in the municipality.

Mensana Intergenerational Centre

Joveva then met with representatives of the Mensana Intergenerational Centre, who informed her about good practices of intergenerational cooperation based on coexistence and co-creation.

The MEP summarised her impressions by concluding that the municipality of Murska Sobota should be held up as a model of an inclusive community. “Our communities are a mosaic made up of pieces of different people. Bridging the divide between generations allows for the exchange of knowledge, traditions and stories. Inclusion, intergenerational coexistence and cooperation create a community where every voice is heard, where young and old coexist in harmony and where cooperation is the driving force for a common success.”

Promises are there to be kept!

And not long ago, I promised to provide more comprehensive explanations of the specific articles of the European Media Freedom Act. Before you stop reading because it might be “boring”, the reason behind this article is to offer you a better insight and sense of what exactly we MEPs do in the European Parliament and what a law consists of. Out of numerous laws, this particular one about the media is one of the crucial ones in this term. And since I have been entrusted with the task of negotiating it, I am familiar with the background behind every word and down to the letter. It’s easy to understand why. I have been engaged in its making from start to finish.

Today, I will focus on Articles 6 and 24 that were also centre stage during yesterday’s event in Brussels and speak about the obligation of the media – and of states – to act in a transparent fashion.

We all know that the media play an essential role in society. They provide us with information that is crucial for holding the authorities to account, for casting our votes in elections, for civic participation and more. They are key to the functioning of democracy, and all of them are (potentially) a target of (attempts at) exerting influence. Of course, there is nothing wrong with each media outlet publishing the content it wants. While adhering to basic journalistic and professional standards, that is. It is up to you to decide who – and how much – you trust. Nobody wants to restrict freedom of speech, but we can probably all agree that it is right to publicly disclose media ownership. So that you may all critically evaluate if there are any hidden agendas at play.

Media ownership transparency was already foreseen by the European Commission in its proposal, and the European Parliament has significantly extended these obligations. The media will have to:

  • publicly disclose and explain any ownership links with other companies,
  • disclose whether they are (directly or indirectly) state-owned,
  • disclose how much funding they receive from state advertising or other public sources; and
  • disclose any possible connections with politically exposed people and their close associates as well as their financial interests.

In practice, Member States will have to allow the competent regulatory authority to enter all this data into a publicly accessible database, which will then be merged into a common European Union database.

In continuation, state bodies, state-owned companies and all public institutions will have to ensure that the allocation of their funds for advertising and for the purchase of other goods and services from the media follows transparent, objective and non-discriminatory criteria. This is where most of the abuses occur, as some individuals flout all the rules and exploit state funds to financially bolster the media that align with them, either for the purpose of control or seeking favours.

So now, each purchase will have to be publicly disclosed and include a brief explanation of why the particular media outlet or portal was chosen for advertising. Certain fundamental elements, such as the reach of advertising, target audience, and best available offer, simply cannot be ignored.

Due to the large amount of such data, it has been decided that the national regulatory authority will carry out and publish an annual review of all such state purchases. This should be done in the form of an annual report of all transactions by state-owned enterprises with individual media companies. In cases of suspected abuse, the regulator will be able to request further explanations and information from state-owned enterprises, and in the event of infringements it will be possible to bring court proceedings at Union level.

In EU Member States, abuses occur to varying degrees, ranging from severe instances in Hungary, for example, where the media system has been entirely dismantled through such state funding methods, to less extreme cases in more regulated countries; but unfortunately, none are immune to abuses.

As a next step, these obligations were extended to online platforms, where there is also (potential for) abuse. In addition, these platforms directly compete with traditional media for advertising revenue while also serving as a means for accessing that same media. It would be unjust to exclude them from the scope.

All these mechanisms will now have to be set up at national level and it is true that they will result in additional work for public institutions, but this is the only way to put the situation right. To give you a clear overview of where your money is being channelled through state-owned companies or public institutions, and where the media is being funded from. It is appropriate that the system of rules is established at the European level.

These were Articles 6 and 24, which – I have to say this – following difficult parliamentary negotiations, now include most of my proposals and amendments. The text will be voted on in plenary next week.

– Irena