Entries by Jasna Gerbec

Parliamentary question

Written question to the European Commission The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a total halt to the shooting of European audiovisual productions, and the sector is still suffering from difficulties. Although measures to ease the lockdowns are allowing activities to gradually resume, insurance companies are not reimbursing the risks linked to COVID-19, putting film crews in […]

Parliamentary question

Written question to the European Commission The Constitutional Court of North Macedonia repealed the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination, which had been adopted in May 2019, due to the failure to meet formal procedural requirements. The key achievement of this law was the prohibition of any discrimination based on race, origin, nationality or […]

Parliamentary question

Written question to the European Commission Numerous reports have emerged of human rights violations and atrocities allegedly committed by the Croatian police against migrants on the EU border, as well as various disturbing reports from NGOs and in the media that the Commission has yet to make progress with the announced monitoring mechanism intended to […]

“The planned subordination of the media in Slovenia to the ruling politics is a clear signal for alarm”

MEPs Irena Joveva and dr. Klemen Grošelj addressed a letter to the Vice-President of the European Commission Vera Jourova, European Commissioner designate for Values and Transparency,  in which they drew attention to the controversial proposal of media legislation in Slovenia. Honourable Commissioner Věra Jourová, Recently we have been concerned about the reports on proposed changes to […]

Letter to President von der Leyen on non-compliance with EC recommendations for reopening of borders

Today, 29 May 2020, MEPs Valter Flego, Irena Joveva and Klemen Grošelj (Renew Europe) addressed a letter to President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on opening borders after the Covid-19 pandemic. While most European countries are opening their borders in line with the Commission’s recommendations, some have chosen to bypass them. Distinguished […]

Alone against the coronavirus? Pure illusion

MEP Irena Joveva had a conversation with Macedonian TV journalist for TV24 on 6. April 2020. The central theme was the European Union’s assistance to the Western Balkan countries.   In the introduction, the MEP stressed she has always been critical of the Union lateness in dealing with crises, such as financial or migration. “But […]

Will true EU solidarity show itself?

Today, 2. April 2020, the first online interview with MEPs Irena Joveva and Franc Bogovič was held on the joint initiative of the online media Sobotainfo.com, Mariborinfo.com, Ptujinfo.com, TV Idea and the Europe Direct Pomurje Information Point. A key theme was the European Union’s response to the current events and crisis caused by the COVID-19 […]